List of figures | NSW State of the Environment 2015

1. Population

Figure 1.1 Population growth in Greater Sydney and NSW for the last decade
Figure 1.2 Population density within Greater Sydney, 2008–09 to 2013–14
Figure 1.3 Components of population growth in NSW, 1982–2014
Figure 1.4 NSW age profiles in 1981 and 2014

2. Economics and the environment

Figure 2.1 Economic growth (annual growth in real GSP)
Figure 2.2 NSW water consumption over time, by major industries and households

3. Energy consumption

Figure 3.1 Final energy consumption by sector, NSW and ACT, 1973–74 to 2012–13
Figure 3.2 Final energy consumption by fuel and sector, NSW and ACT, 2012–13
Figure 3.3 Electricity generation from renewable sources, 2001–14
Figure 3.4 Electricity consumption and demand forecasts, NSW and ACT

4. Transport

Figure 4.1 Travel trends 2002–03 to 2012–13 in the GCCSA
Figure 4.2 Number of train and bus trips on an average weekday for the GCCSA

5. Greenhouse gas emissions

Figure 5.1 Australasian temperatures, and CO2.e, since AD 1000
Figure 5.2 NSW greenhouse gas emissions components, 1989–90 to 2012–13
Figure 5.3 Trends in NSW energy use, compared with key NSW statistics, 1960–2013
Figure 5.4 NSW greenhouse gas emissions by end use sector, 2012–13

6. Urban water

Figure 6.1 Demand for potable water, SW (1995–96 – 2013–14) and HW (2002–03 – 2013–14)
Figure 6.2 Average annual per-property residential water use, 2004–05 to 2013–14

7. Waste and recycling

Figure 7.1 Per person waste recycled, disposed and generated
Figure 7.2 Waste disposed and recycled for MLA, 2002–03 to 2012–13
Figure 7.3 NSW vs national averages for litter 2005–06 to 2013–14

8. Air quality

Figure 8.1 Exceedences of the AAQ NEPM standards for ozone
Figure 8.2 Annual maximum 1h.average and 4h.average concentrations for ozone
Figure 8.3 Exceedences of the AAQ NEPM standard for particles (PM10)
Figure 8.4 Annual maximum 24.hour.average concentrations for particles (PM2.5)

9. Contaminated sites

Figure 9.1 Total sites regulated under the CLM Act and remediated, 2005–14
Figure 9.2 CLM Act newly regulated sites by contamination type, 2005–14
Figure 9.3 Remediation of contaminated sites, 2005–14

10. Soil condition

Figure 10.1 Proportion of SMUs in each soil condition rating class

11. Sustainable land

Figure 11.1 Proportion of SMUs in each 'land management within capability' rating class

12. Threatened species

Figure 12.1 Changes in total listings of TS and EC

13. Native vegetation

Figure 13.1 Woody vegetation change in NSW, 1988–90 to 2012–13

14 Protected areas

Figure 14.1 New formal conservation areas added each financial year

16. Water resources

Figure 16.1 Water diverted by licensed users in major NSW regulated valleys
Figure 16.2 Diversions and water remaining after extraction

18. Wetlands

Figure 18.1 Estimated wetland area, and waterbird abundance and breeding

19. Groundwater

Figure 19.1 Annual levels of groundwater extraction from metered aquifers in NSW
Figure 19.2 Entitlements to groundwater under water sharing plans

20. Coastal, estuarine and marine systems

Figure 20.1 Percentage of monitoring sites with low levels of contamination
Figure 20.2 Licensed discharges to NSW open marine waters and estuaries
Figure 20.3 Monthly average sea levels along the NSW coast, 1914 to 2014

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