Flood recovery programs
Most of the clean-up programs for the collection and disposal of debris from the March 2021, February-March 2022, June-July 2022 and November 2022 storms and floods have been completed. The Flood debris maintenance program will continue to collect eligible debris from the 2022 floods in the Northern Rivers.
We are aware of the recent flood and storm events that have affected NSW in late 2023 and early 2024. At this stage there are no EPA flood debris clean-up programs in operation for these events. Please contact your local Council to see if they can assist with the recovery process for recent flood and storm events.
If you have any questions regarding the programs or would like assistance reaching your local Council, please email the EPA Flood Programs Mailbox at flood.programs@epa.nsw.gov.au.
2022 storm and flood updates
New South Wales experienced severe storms and flooding in March 2021 and again in February–March 2022 from the Hawkesbury River to the Queensland border. In June–July 2022, storms and flooding again affected much of the NSW coast including the south coast. In November 2022 flooding devastated the Central West. This led to significant amounts of man-made and natural flood debris in rivers, estuaries, and adjacent coastlines in NSW. The Australian government declared many parts of NSW a natural disaster.
We led several clean-up programs to ensure that flood generated debris on shorelines and in waterways was removed in a safe, effective, and efficient manner. Clean-up was undertaken by specialist contractors.
Find out more about the completed programs.
Reporting flood debris
Anyone can report flood debris to the EPA’s Environment Line on 131 555 or by email: info@epa.nsw.gov.au.
When you submit your report, please include the type of debris, the location, nearest access point and photos.
As of 22 December 2023

Following the debris
See how the EPA is helping people to clean up after the devastating floods of 2021 and 2022.