Protecting koala hubs in proposed Great Koala National Park assessment area

The Minister for the Environment has directed the EPA to consider potential Coastal IFOA protocol amendments to ensure koala hubs in the provisional Great Koala National Park Assessment Area are protected from forestry operations.

On 11 September 2023 the Minister for the Environment directed the EPA to consider making necessary improvements to protection measures, including through potential amendments of Coastal Integrated Forestry Operation Approval Protocols, to ensure that koala hubs (critical multi-generational resident koala populations and their habitats) within the proposed Great Koala National Park assessment area are protected.

The direction (PDF 675KB) has been published by the EPA. The EPA must ensure this direction is complied with and has now progressed amendments to the Coastal Integrated Forestry Operations Approval to ensure that koala hubs within the Great Koala National Park assessment area are protected.