Site-specific operating conditions

Site-specific conditions were issued on a case by case basis, and only where we considered that the environmental risk associated with harvesting operations in these bushfire affected forests could be reasonably mitigated.

Each area proposed by FCNSW for post-fire forestry operations underwent risk assessment by the EPA, prior to logging. This process involved a preliminary assessment of the risk of environmental harm, essentially based on assessments of fire severity, soil erosion risk, risk to water quality and aquatic ecology, and risks to plants, animals and ecosystems. We weighted specific attributes relative to the perceived environmental risk based on available ecological literature and existing ecological principles.

The site-specific conditions EPA issued for timber harvesting in fire-affected areas (listed below) have all expired. 

Site-specific conditions are issued on a case by case basis, and only where it is considered that the environmental risk associated with harvesting operations in bushfire affected forests can be reasonably mitigated.

Upper North East IFOA Subregion

Lower North East IFOA Subregion

Southern IFOA Subregion

Eden IFOA Subregion