Regulation of power stations

We are working with all power station operators in NSW to strengthen monitoring and reporting requirements and tighten emission limits.

We have a comprehensive and robust framework for regulating power stations in NSW, using a contemporary and innovative range of compliance and enforcement tools. This is complemented by strong penalties and the ability to seek court orders to redress environmental impacts from non-compliance.

We are working to improve transparency for the community and provide greater consistency of environmental regulation across the sector, with all coal fired power stations now continuously monitoring stack emissions.

Power station environment protection licences

Environment protection licences (EPLs) issued by the EPA require power stations to meet legally enforceable conditions relating to noise, air, water, land contamination, waste and other operational matters.

The conditions are designed to protect the community and the environment. Power stations are also required to operate and maintain pollution control equipment in a proper and efficient manner and minimise the emission of pollutants in accordance with strict conditions included on all their licences.

We recently progressed a number of strategic initiatives across the operational coal fired power stations to address air emissions and increase transparency around the generation and re-use of coal ash.

In July 2024, we introduced requirements for the four operating coal-fired power stations to report their greenhouse gas emissions to the EPA. By better understanding their emissions contribution, we can implement more effective policies and measures to mitigate climate change impacts. 

Power station licences are published on our public register.

Operating coal fired power station licences:

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