Litter Prevention Program 2012-2021 Evaluation

Final evaluation report

December 2021
ARTD Consultants
  • File PDF 15.5MB
  • Pages 163
  • Name litter-prevention-program-2012-2021-evaluation.pdf

The EPA has conducted an evaluation of the Litter Prevention Program over the period 2012–2021. The goal of this evaluation is to provide evidence, insights, and recommendations to inform the design of future litter prevention programs from 2021 onwards and ensure alignment with the Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041 and the NSW Plastics Action Plan.

The evaluation was designed to determine the effectiveness, efficiency, and appropriateness of the 2012-2021 NSW Litter Prevention Program. The insights will be used to inform the development of future programs and to support the establishment of performance targets for these programs.

The current report represents the final evaluation of the available evidence to understand program performance. The information collected focuses on the role of activities in supporting the pillars of the Strategy, the wider program and other relevant government programs. It also provides recommendations around approaches to develop an updated strategy and KPIs that are responsive to updated policy priorities.

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