Opportunity for licensees to inform climate change actions

We are working with industry to decarbonise and build greater preparedness and resilience to climate change risks through our Climate Change Policy and Action Plan, released earlier this year.

As part of this work, we are now surveying licensees to better understand industry practices and current sustainability initiatives.

This is an opportunity to let us know how your business is changing to mitigate emissions and reduce climate risks in line with the NSW Government’s climate change objectives. It’s also a chance to tell us how we can support you take purposeful action on climate change.

The EPA recognises that no two industries are the same, nor are the climate challenges they face. The information from licensees through participation in the survey will help to ensure any actions taken by the EPA are meaningful, feasible and cost-effective.

The survey has been sent directly to licensees to complete by Friday 15 September.

Further information about the survey, including contact details, FAQs and a video message from our CEO, can be found on the climate change survey information webpage.