Wherever you fit, we want you to feel confident to work with us.
Local Government and land managers

We partner and engage with local government, who are our co-regulators, land managers and Aboriginal organisations charged with caring for country.
Aboriginal traditional owners
We work with Aboriginal Traditional Owners as right holders for Country. We want to grow and improve our relationships with Aboriginal people by listening and learning how traditional knowledges have protected and cared for country for thousands of years.
Industry and the regulated community
We work with industry to ensure there are clear expectations and understanding of the obligations and responsibilities to protect the environment and human health. We want to maintain strong working relationships to ensure that we share learnings and are responsive and adaptive to emerging issues.
Government and research organisations
We partner with government and research organisations, universities, and peak knowledge-sharing institutions to identify current and future issues. We want to be informed by the world’s best available science and methodologies.
Other regulators
We will continue to grow our partnerships with other regulators to identify and solve environmental problems. Together we will inform and educate, align our standards and reduce overlap.
We empower NSW communities to understand the environmental issues affecting them. We find convenient and appropriate ways for them to engage with us, and aim to provide a positive experience.
Interest groups and NGOs
By engaging openly with environmental interest groups and NGOs, we gain important insights about existing and emerging environmental issues and challenges. We look for ways to be more responsive and continue to find ways to build trust and respect.
As environmental risks become more prevalent and better known, we want to connect with the youth of today. As tomorrow’s leaders, they can help us create the right environmental and human health and behaviours for the future.