NEAT model

The Non-compliance Economic Assessment Tool (NEAT) Model (XLSX 1578KB) (© Environment Protection Authority Victoria 2019) is a user-friendly Excel tool that enables non-accountants to run monetary benefit calculations. The NEAT Model was developed by financial accountants and is supported by a User Guide (PDF 989KB) (© Environment Protection Authority Victoria 2019). The NEAT Model uses the same method outlined in the Protocol for calculating monetary benefits (PDF 664KB).


The NSW EPA has been granted a licence by the Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA Victoria) to use the NEAT Model and the associated User Guide. EPA Victoria owns the intellectual property (IP) rights to the NEAT Model and User Guide (© Environment Protection Authority Victoria 2019).

The NSW EPA’s version of the NEAT Model User Guide is based on EPA Victoria’s original version of the User Guide, however, it has been adapted for NSW.

The NSW EPA acknowledges and thanks EPA Victoria for its collaboration on monetary benefits approaches over many years and for allowing the NSW EPA to use and publish the NEAT Model and User Guide.

Providing feedback

The EPA welcomes feedback on the NEAT Model and User Guide. However, these are technical documents and any technical feedback needs to be supported with a reference to the qualifications and experience which enable you to provide those comments. The Guidelines on recovering monetary benefits (PDF 460KB) contain more information on how to provide this feedback.

More information

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