A marketplace of information about consultations, grants, upcoming events and other news snippets - including our regular Waste Watch segment.

Our roadshows continue with virtual sessions for community groups and peak bodies
Roadshows happening soon
You are invited to the EPA’s latest round of roadshows, happening in November.
Community Roadshow
Community and environment group members interested in our work are invited to the EPA’s Community Roadshow in November. This interactive, virtual forum will cover an overview of the EPA’s work and direction and focus topics covering air quality, odours and forestry.
Friday 19 November, 12pm – 2pm Bookings are essential using Eventbrite
Peak Body Roadshow
We are also running a forum for peak representative organisations, to share our strategic direction, regulatory policy and discuss how we can work better together.
Friday 12 November 10.30am – 12.30pm. Bookings are essential using Eventbrite
We want to hear from you!
Consultations currently open
- Vales Point Power Station air quality exemption
We are seeking public feedback on an application from Delta Electricity for an exemption to the pollution limits set for emissions of nitrogen oxide, at the Vales Point Power Station. Submissions close on Friday 12 November 2021.
Find out more and have your say

Applications for the Circular solar waste grants close soon
Grants open
Circular Solar Grants
Solar panel and battery waste could generate 40-71,000 tonnes a year by 2035 in NSW. Circular Solar grants are offering $7million for innovative projects to help reuse and recycle it.
Find out more: Applications close on 4 November 2021.
Waste Watch
Return and Earn - back in time for the thirsty season
Householders across Sydney breathed a sigh of relief at the news that Return and Earn was kicking back into action and they could get rid of the tottering piles of used bottles stashed in garages and cupboards.

Return and Earn stations are open for business, ready for the busy and thirsty summer season
We at the EPA take our recycling seriously, but we had to admit that feeding bottles into machines didn’t count as an essential reason for leaving home during a pandemic, and Return and Earn was suspended when the Stay at Home orders were in place.
Since late September, the return points across Sydney and the rest of NSW have been reopening. Anyone visiting a return point must ensure they comply with the latest Public Health Orders including checking-in via the QR code displayed, wearing a mask, maintaining social distancing of a least 1.5 metres from others, and practicing good hygiene. Check the website for latest details and return points near you.
Keeping the waste management system ticking over during COVID
We’ve been working hard throughout COVID to make sure that waste and recycling keeps getting collected, sorted and disposed of safely all the way through the lockdowns. The Government has updated its advice so that waste and recycling facilities may reopen to the public in a safe and staged way, provided they have strict COVID19 safety measures in place.
We’ve asked industry to let us know as soon as possible if they identify any new risks or problems, so we can work together to navigate through this difficult period.
If you are a waste operator, you need to assess your own circumstances and make decisions about re-opening waste services to your local community. You will have to think about your own specific considerations, depending on your area and services. The main thing is to ensure that you have a COVID-19 safe plan in place according to the relevant public health orders.