Wickham fire clean-up update

Information for residents about the recovery efforts following the fire at the Wickham Wool Store.

We understand this is may be an anxious and uncertain time for many residents whose properties have been affected by asbestos debris from the fire at the Wickham Wool Store.

Working together for the community

A recovery committee is currently coordinating the clean-up and recovery efforts. We are working closely with the City of Newcastle, Public Works Advisory, NSW Health and SafeWork NSW to provide support for community affected.

The clean-up continues to focus on homes that have been most affected by debris. If you reported suspected asbestos debris to the Environment Line you will be contacted shortly.

The latest update includes

  • more than 600 private properties have been cleaned and cleared
  • all evacuated residents have returned home
  • over 400 reports from residents have been made to the Environment Line
  • more than 100 independent clean-up personnel have been deployed to work in the area
  • assessment, cleaning, and clearance of public spaces is largely complete, including roads, footpaths, parks, and gardens
  • demolition of the affected Wool Store buildings is complete with asbestos waste being safely transported 
  • the roof of the remaining Wool Store building is being cleaned

For more information on the clean-up see the Emergency Asbestos Management Plan (PDF 3MB) available on the City of Newcastle website.

Air monitoring results

Since the fire, all air monitoring results have been below the limit of detection.

Air monitoring is being done daily in areas where asbestos removal is happening.

Air monitoring is continuing throughout the clean-up. To view the results visit the  City of Newcastle website.