Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction program


Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction programs

Licence number: 378
Title: PRP 801: Dry Well Infrastructure
Start date: 25 Jun 2014
Licence Condition
The objective of this PRP is to help prevent the overflow of sewage to the environment caused by the failure of sewage pumping station dry wells or associated infrastructure as a result of flooding or other causes.
The licensee must prepare a Dry Well Infrastructure Report that includes: a) identification of all incidents in the licensee's network within the last 5 years in which dry well infrastructure has flooded or been inundated and that resulted in sewage being discharged to the environment; b) identification and assessment of the causes of the identified incidents; c) a risk assessment of dry well infrastructure across the entire Sydney Water network that takes into consideration:         i. siting of electrical infrastructure in relation to potential flooding or other dangers;         ii. operation and maintenance procedures relating to dry well infrastructure;         iii. the suitability of equipment used in dry well infrastructure;         iv. similarities with conditions that contributed to the identified incidents. d) a review of the identified incidents and the findings of the risk assessment with emphasis on any pattern of incidents and the potential for further incidents relating to sewage overflows from the licensee's dry well infrastructure.
The licensee must prepare an Options Study if the review specified in Condition U4.2d) identifies any issues that require improvement.
The Options Study must: a) consider the use or introduction of alternative equipment, procedures, engineering solutions and siting of equipment; b) detail a range of feasible options; and c) recommend a preferred option that will help mitigate the risk of sewage overflows from dry well infrastructure.
Each option must be supported by adequate justification, including a cost/ benefit analysis, to enable the EPA to make an adequate assessment of the option.
The licensee must submit the Dry Well Infrastructure Report and Options Study to the EPA by 31 December 2014.