Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 218
Annual Return Start: 01 Jul 2001
Annual Return End: 30 Jun 2002
Date Received: 29 Aug 2002
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
M2.1 12.09.01 - CBOD sample not collected - Point 4 - sampling officer misread sampling program N/A N/A
L1.4 (a) 27.09.01 - Tree roots - into stormwater in railway land rear 233 Princes Hwy Unanderra N/A N/A
L1.4 a (i) 28.01.02 - Tree roots - into unnamed creek rear of 7 Derribong Drive, Cordeaux Heights N/A N/A
R4.1 (a) 27.05.02 - No notification of bypass of disinfection process - discharge from Wollongong STP N/A N/A
O5.1 30.06.02 - Environmental performance below previous year - hydraulic sewer system model is to be independantly audited then rerun as per CRC (PRP101.4) recommendations. N/A N/A
O5.2 (c) 30.06.02 - Modelling results indicate that wet weather overflow frequency has increased - hydraulic sewer system model is to be independantly audited then rerun as per CRC (PRP101.4) recommendations. N/A N/A
O6.1 30.06.02 - Wet weather overflow frequency has increased as indicated by the models - hydraulic sewer system model is to be independantly audited then rerun as per CRC (PRP101.4) recommendations. N/A N/A