Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 1695
Annual Return Start: 01 Jul 2001
Annual Return End: 30 Jun 2002
Date Received: 29 Aug 2002
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
1.4 Overflows due to blockages caused by tree roots, debris or broken structures. This occurs 15 times. N/A N/A
3.2 By-pass of disinfection process resulted in the release of partially treated and partially disinfected effluent being release. N/A N/A
5.1 Comparison of wet weather overflow performance in reporting period with 1994 benchmark year performance not done, because hydraulic sewer system model for reporting period not developed / calibrated to accuracy required by the licence. N/A N/A
5.2(b) Increase in average odour complaint incidents. N/A N/A
5.2(c) Comparison of wet weather overflow performance in reporting period with 1994 benchmark year performance not done, because hydraulic sewer system model for reporting period not developed / calibrated to accuracy required by the licence. N/A N/A
6.1 Comparison of wet weather STP overflow performance in reporting period with 1994 benchmark year performance not done, because hydraulic sewer system model for reporting period not developed / calibrated to accuracy required by the licence. N/A N/A