Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 1695
Annual Return Start: 01 Jul 2006
Annual Return End: 30 Jun 2007
Date Received: 30 Aug 2007
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
L1.4(a)(i) Uncontrolled overflow during dry weather, caused by tree roots. Appropriate Action taken by licensee 6
O3.1 Appropriate treatment process not followed, not all flows received full treatment. Appropriate Action taken by licensee 1
M2.1 Requirement to monitor not met, sample not collected due to autosampler malfunctions. Appropriate Action taken by licensee 2
L8.1 Overflow frequency exceeded the licence limit. Appropriate Action taken by licensee 1
O5.1 Unable to demonstrate improvement to environmental performance. EPA to monitor future compliance with this condition 1
L1.4a((ii) Directed overflows other than from sewage pumping stations, overflow due to blockage caused by tree roots Appropriate Action taken by licensee 1