Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 4860
Annual Return Start: 10 Mar 2017
Annual Return End: 09 Mar 2018
Date Received: 15 Jun 2018
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
L2, O1, O5.9 and M2 Failure to completely close valve at licensed discharge point 4 resulted in water polluted in excess of the limits in condition L 2.4 being discharged. S.58 notice being negotiated to change licence conditions(s) 1
L2, O1, O5.9 and M2 Rainfall from events of greater than 82.5mm of 5 days was fully discharged without treatment including the rainfall captured by waterbodies up to the point where 82.5mm limit was exceeded S.58 notice issued to change/amend licence conditions(s) 5
L2, O1, O5.9 and M2 Operation of approved diversion pipe attached to Sediment Basin No 2 discharging water not treated to limits in condition L2 and not monitored. S.58 notice being negotiated to change licence conditions(s) 1
O11, O5.2, O5.4, O5. Non-compliant erosion and sediment controls EPA has written to licensee regarding non-compliance and relevant action 1