Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 4860
Annual Return Start: 10 Mar 2016
Annual Return End: 09 Mar 2017
Date Received: 10 May 2017
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
L2.4 Water was allowed to discharge from MP 1 with a concentration of Total Suspended Solids of 77 mg/L in excess of concentration limits. EPA has written to licensee regarding non-compliance and relevant action 1
M2 The licensee failed to monitor concentration of pollutants in water discharging from MP1. EPA has written to licensee regarding non-compliance and relevant action 2
O1 Activities must be carried out in competent manner. Since 29 June 2016 Leadshine has not complied with the Blue Book, PRPs and conditions of licence. S.58 notice issued to change/amend licence conditions(s) 1
G1.2 The licence must be produced to authorised officer of the EPA who asks to see it. The Quarry Manager could not produced a copy of the license to an authorised officer of the EPA who asked to see it on 29 July 2016. EPA has written to licensee regarding non-compliance and relevant action 1
G1.3 The licence must be available for inspection by any employee or agent of licensee working at premises. On 29 July 2016 the quarry manager did not know where a copy of licence is kept. EPA has written to licensee regarding non-compliance and relevant action 1
U3.1 Licensee failed to implement sediment & erosion controls as required PRP U3.1 (Notice No 1542890 issued 29 July 2016). The EPA issued an Official Caution to Leadshine Pty Limited for failing to comply with condition of a licence. S.58 notice issued to change/amend licence conditions(s) 1
PRP U1 On 29 July 2016 Variation Notice No 1542890 was issued to vary EPL 4860 adding PRP U1.1 required that the licensee restore the capacity of all sediment basins by 1 August 2016. This was not achieved. EPA has written to licensee regarding non-compliance and relevant action 1
PRP U2 All identified sediment and erosion control measures were not implemented by the due date of 31 January 2016. EPA to monitor future compliance with this condition 1
PRP U3 A written plan of management that sets out how the sediment basins will be managed was not was to be submitted to the EPA by 31 December 2016. A Show Cause Letter was issued. EPA has written to licensee regarding non-compliance and relevant action 1
O1. Since 29 June 2016 Leadshine has not complied with the Blue Book, PRPs and conditions of licence. EPA has written to licensee regarding non-compliance and relevant action 7
05.2 Sedimentation basin markers, that identify the upper level of the sediment storage zone, were not observed in any of the sediment basins on 2 August 2016, 10 February 2017 and 27 April 2017 EPA has written to licensee regarding non-compliance and relevant action 4
O5.6 There was no clear identification of each sediment basin and discharge point as required by conditions O 5.6 . EPA has written to licensee regarding non-compliance and relevant action 3
O 5.4. On 2 August 2016 it was found during the inspection that the design storage capacity of both Sediment basin no 2 and the Process Pond had not been reinstated to enable it to capture and treat the run off from a design five day rainfall event. EPA has written to licensee regarding non-compliance and relevant action 1
L1.1 On the 19 July 2016 unlicenced discharge from sediment basin 2 occurred. Samples taken downstream from the drain at a V-notched weir had a suspended solid level of 110 mg/L. EPA has written to licensee regarding non-compliance and relevant action 1