Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction program


Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction programs

Licence number: 4860
Title: Management of imported spoil material
Start date: 22 Jul 2019
Licence Condition
The licensee must conduct appropriate sampling and testing of all spoil material imported into the premises to determine if it meets the chemical concentration limits of Excavated Natural Material (ENM). Any material which does not meet the ENM classification must be lawfully disposed of offsite to a licenced waste facility.
The Licensee must install appropriate erosion and sediment controls to ensure any runoff from areas containing stockpiles of imported spoil material does not cause dirty water to discharge from the premises.
Characterisation of the imported spoil material must be completed by 30 August 2019. Evidence of compliance with this date must be provided in the final report. Any material which requires disposal must be removed from site by 27 September 2019. Evidence of compliance with this date must be provided in the final report.  The Licensee must provide a report summarising the characterisation and management of the imported spoil material to the EPA by 31 October 2019. The report must include the volume / quantity of material which will remain on site and the volume / quantity of material which will be disposed of. The report must include receipts for any material which is disposed of at a licenced waste facility. The report must also include photos of the implemented erosion and sediment controls for managing runoff from any imported spoil stockpiles. Compliance date: 31 October 2019 The report required by this condition is to be submitted to the email address.