Disposal of regulated material

The NSW Protection from Harmful Radiation Act 1990 and Protection from Harmful Radiation Regulation 2013 impose restrictions on persons using regulated material (radiation apparatus, radioactive substances and sealed source devices (SSD)).

Under Section 33D of the Act, regulated material can only be disposed of with the consent of the EPA, and in accordance with any conditions imposed by the EPA.

Radiation apparatus

A general consent to dispose of radiation apparatus is provided to licensees through conditions imposed on an organisations radiation management licence. A condition of the consent requires the licensee to ensure that the radiation apparatus is rendered permanently inoperable before it is disposed. The EPA must also be notified of the disposal (by submitting a variation, to dispose, on your management licence) through eConnect EPA

Radioactive substances - sealed sources

Generally, sealed radioactive sources or SSD containing a sealed radioactive source can be disposed of by returning them to the supplier or manufacturer, or sent overseas for recycling or reuse.

Before disposal you must apply to the EPA for approval to dispose of any sealed radioactive sources or SSD containing a sealed radioactive source through eConnect EPA (by submitting a variation, to dispose, on your management licence and providing the required information).

The application for disposal will then be assessed, and if approved will be subject to conditions that the responsible person must comply with.

Radioactive substances - unsealed sources

Typically unsealed radioactive substances are short lived and the licensee can manage them by ensuring that the substances are safety held until they decay to a level of activity below that which is prescribed in Schedule 1 of the Regulation.

The Regulation does not require consent for the disposal of waste that contains radioactive material below this level of activity, however the waste may need to be classified using the Waste Classification Guidelines to determine where it can be disposed of legally.

Prior consent for disposal must be obtained from the EPA, where unsealed radioactive substances do not meet the above criteria. In such cases the licensee must be able to provide a viable option for disposal. For advice on applying to dispose of unsealed substances which fall into this category please contact the EPA.

For any enquiries, please contact the Regulatory and Compliance Support Unit on 9995 5700 or at dgrp.licensing@epa.nsw.gov.au.

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