Community involvement

The EPA takes part in community groups and other activities to enable communities to engage with government regulators, industrial operators and other stakeholders on local environmental issues.

Under the NSW Gas Plan, the EPA leads compliance with and enforcement of the conditions of approvals for onshore gas activities in NSW, excluding work health and safety issues.

This structure provides communities and individuals with one place to report potential pollution incidents and breaches of petroleum titles, project approvals, environment protection licences, water access licences and other instruments, regulations and legislation relating to onshore gas activities.

The EPA sees its role as lead regulator as an opportunity to create a more open dialogue with the community about how it regulates industry.

Community involvement in decision-making

Public submissions and stakeholder consultation

The EPA prepares a range of legislative amendments, policies, guidelines, and reports that may call for, or require, community involvement, engagement and consultation.

The EPA uses engagement and communication tools to ensure government, industry, communities and individuals are aware of relevant and current information posted on the EPA’s website, newsroom and Have your say pages and social media accounts. 

In 2016, the EPA consulted with stakeholders, including community representatives, non-government organisations and onshore gas industry,operators to explore the financial considerations associated with the gas industry.

Community consultation committees

The EPA participates in two industry related community consultative committees

Narrabri Community Consultative Committee Newsletters






Reporting pollution

If an incident occurs that presents an immediate threat to human health or property, call 000 to report it to emergency services.

Report all other incidents or complaints regarding onshore gas activities to the EPA's Environment Line on 131 555 or by email to The 131 555 telephone service operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and reports can be made confidentially.

Reports can include incidents or complaints affecting human or environmental health related to noise, air quality, water contamination, land pollution, waste disposal, chemical leaks or escapes etc.

  • The Report pollution page lists useful information that should be recorded to assist the EPA in responding to an incident or complaint. 

Onshore gas companies are also required by law to be timely and transparent in their notification to the EPA, local government, SafeWork NSW, Fire and Rescue NSW and the NSW Ministry of Health of pollution incidents that result in actual or potential harm to the health or safety of human beings or to ecosystems that is not trivial.

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